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Dean’s Welcome

发布时间:2015-06-29 11:14:59 | 浏览次数:

As the Dean of International Education School (IES), the youngest school of Hebei University of Economics and Business (HUEB), I am very glad on behalf of my colleagues to warmly welcome international students from all over the world who come to study at our school and China with dreams and bring youthful energy and new hopes to IES.

Since it is established in 2012, IES has grown rapidly under the supervision of HUEB management committee. It is now one of the five universities in Hebei Province that are qualified in enrolling Chinese Government Scholarship students. The number of international students studying at HUEB has been increasing while the structure of student type has been rationalized. In 2014, the degree students has outnumbered language student for the first time. The academic structure has been reformed reasonably and completely by covering majors like International Business and Trade, Accounting, Finance, Human Resources Management and Computer. The Nepal Study Center has been established as one of our research centers.

Devoted to teaching quality improvement, IES’ international education quality has been gradually progressing. In 2013, the course “International Trade Management” instructed in English by myself has been awarded as one of “Excellent Courses for International Students in China” by the Ministry of Education of China, the only such award in Hebei Province. English-media programs for bachelor and master degrees in International Business and Trade and Accounting have been developed steadily with our teaching staff qualified in Language courses and Major courses.

IES has set up a complete system of management regulations and rules. Until 2015, publicized regulations related to international student management includeInternational Student Management Regulations,International Student Leave Regulations,International Student Examination Regulations,International Education School Course Management Regulations,Foreign Language-Media Instruction Teacher Qualification Rules, andLanguage Teacher Qualification Rules.

IES has various activities for international students, such as New Year Celebration Show by Chinese and International Students, “JIZHIGUANG” Chinese Arts Contest by International Students in Hebei Province, International Student Football Tournament in Hebei Province, and International Student Chinese Opera Contest in Hebei Province. We also organize Chinese Culture Visiting Activities like visiting Red Revolution Xibaipo, Hometown of Chinese Acrobatics Wuqiao, and Confucius Hometown Qufu. Moreover, visits to famous companies are the second classroom for international students.

In 2015, a new chance of development lies in front of IES which is energetically arising as the morning sun. Let us hold hands in hands to advance our school with foot on earth and to draw new chapters and create new glory of International Education School.

Dean of International Education School

Prof. Cheng Jian

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