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International Students Participated Competitions in School and Got Good Prizes

2017-05-10 16:26:26 点击:[]

Recently, international students from IES have participated in a lot of competitions with Chinese students in school and got good prizes.

In the audition of Pepsi Best Voice Competition held by School of Arts, Louise and Komana from Zambia showed their beautiful voices and got warm applause. On May 4th, Jennie and Bayeme from Equatorial Guinea sang a Spanish song named "Ay Corazon " with the amazing harmony and got the second prize on the Shakespeare Music Festival held by School of Foreign languages. Lousie and Komana got the first prize with the song "Diamonds".

The competition brings them honors and friends. They said they would cherish the good opportunity , join more competitions and add nice memories. http://news.heuet.edu.cn/news/?type=detail&id=3574

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