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International Students visited Xi’an the Start City of Silk Road

2016-04-22 13:59:00 点击:[]

From 15th to 19th April, 12 international students from Samoa, The Republic of Congo and other 5 countries visited Xi’an and explored the history of the Silk Road.

They came to Shanxi History Museum and Emperor Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum Site Museum to learn the History of Shanxi where 13 dynasties located their capital and that the Silk road started from Xi’an. They also visited the School of Language, Literature and Law of Xi`an University of Architecture and Technology of which the famous writer Jiapingwa was the Dean and had a rewarding talk with their international and Chinese students. They dropped in Shanxi Baoke Automation Equipment Co, Ltd and was astonished with its modernization and internalization.

This study tour is one of the study activities put forward by International Education School with purposes of educating international students of the Silk Road and Chinese history and updating their practical knowledge.

(Edited and photos by Lantao LI)

Visit Shaanxi History Museum

Interaction with the Xi'an University of Architecture College of Science and Technology Students

Visit Shaanxi Branch-controlled Equipment Co., Ltd.

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