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First IES Students Meeting of 2014-2015 Second Semester

2015-03-25 16:31:17 点击:[]

On March 23, International Education School held the first international students meeting of 2014-2015 second semester at B416, with attendance of all international students and IES staff members.

Mr. Lantao Li, the International Student Coordinator, delivered his speech by emphasizing the importance of following the school regulations and China’s laws in order to help their study at Hebei University of Economics and Business. He also introduced the recent events of international student management and encourage them to work hard and actively participate in those events.

Mr. Guoping Fan, Deputy Dean of IES, introduced the constructive idea of International Student Family, disciplines for international students and study affairs. He sincerely hope that international students cherish their chance of learning in China, walk into Chinese society, understand Chinese culture and work hard for bright future.

Deputy Dean Mr. Fan delivering speech

(Edited by Lantao LI)

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