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The Overseas Students and the Staff of International Education School Donated for People in Ya’an

2013-04-22 19:02:11 点击:[]

On April 22nd, the International Education School organized the overseas students and its staff to donate for the people who suffered from the Ya’an earthquake in front of NO.1 Office Building.

The earthquake in Ya’an caused the deaths of hundreds of people. The overseas students and staff of the International Education School are concerned with the rescues and the lives in the disaster area. Everyone asked for donations proactively and theInternational Education School organized the overseas students and its stuff to take part in the activities of donation held by our school. Some of the students came from the third world countries and they were not rich themselves. But whether poor or rich, all of them were willing to give their hands and the scene was really touching.

International Education School


(Written by: Fan Guoping Photo by: Zhang wei)

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