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IES Photography Competition of “What China Is Like in My Eyes” Result Announced

2013-05-27 11:37:59 点击:[]

Recently,IES has organized the photography competition of “What China Is Like in My Eyes” and announced one first prize, two second prizes and three third prizes. The photo of “Revolutionary Culture-Shibaipo” by Son Min Hyeok (R. Korea) wins the first prize. The photos of “Chinese Culture-Wedding” by Bhuwan K.C. (Nepal) and “My University” by Khyaju Raju Ram (Nepal) win second prizes. In addition, the photos of “Our Teaching Building” by Na Seong-Hwan (R. Korea), “Our Happy Time” by Son Min Hyeok (R. Korea) and “Hometown of Acrobatics” by Shakya Dipendra Bir (Nepal) respectively get the third prize.

Since the launching of IES photography competition, IES has received overseas students’ over 300 photos that reflect Chinese culture, custom and architecture through which they record every detail of the life in China. All the works mirror the overseas students’ great interest and appreciation of Chinese culture.

"Revolutionary Culture-Shibaipo" by Son Min Hyeok (R. Korea)

"Chinese Culture-Wedding" by Bhuwan K.C. (Nepal)

"My University" by Khyaju Raju Ram (Nepal)

"Our Teaching Building" by Na Seong-Hwan (R. Korea)

"Hometown of Acrobatics" by Shakya Dipendra Bir (Nepal)

"Our Happy Time" by Son Min Hyeok (R. Korea)

International Education School

May 24, 2013

(Translated: Zhang Jinzhe)

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