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International Education Teaching Meeting of 2013-2014 Semester Held

2013-09-13 17:31:30 点击:[]

On Sept. 12th, International Education Teaching Meeting of 2013-2014 semester was held by IES. All the faculty and teaching staff attended the meeting which aimed to carry out the teaching work with the topic of “new semester, new atmosphere, and high requirements” and implemented further the educational goal of enlarging students’ enrollment and improving teaching quality.

In the meeting, Dean of IES, Professor Cheng Jian introduced that the course of “International Business Management” was awarded the 2013 English Excellent Course for Overseas Students of the Education Ministry and thanked for all the faculty’s contribution and cooperation. Afterwards, Teacher Fan Guoping introduced the students’ enrollment in details, summarized the problems of last semester and disposed the teaching task in the new semester. In addition, all the teachers offered advices for the promotion of teaching quality. Finally, Cheng Jian emphasized the importance of teaching faculty role and their teaching attitude, asked them to standardize teaching activities and improve teaching quality in order to promote the level of international education.

(Translate by:Zhang Jinzhe)

International Education School

Sep 12, 2013

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