Chinese Government Scholarship Application of Hebei University of Economics and Business(2015)

2015-01-13 10:48:38 点击:[]

I . How can I get the latest information about Chinese Government Scholarship?

Pleasevisit our website for up-to-dateinformation. You can also consult the Chinese Embassy (or Consulate General) inyour home countries or designated Chinese universities for related information.

II. What programs can I apply for? When and where can I apply?

Usuallythe application season is between January and early April. Applicants shouldapply and send the required documents to the application receiving agencies.The table below illustrates the Chinese Government Scholarship programs.



When to apply

Where to send the


Program category



Bilateral program

January to early

April (please consult the application receiving agencies for specific

deadline for each program)


authorities in applicant’s home country

degree programs

and non-degree programs

full scholarship

or partial scholarship


University program


Chinese universities

graduate programs

full scholarship

III. What is the procedure of Chinese Government Scholarship application?

Theillustration below may help you understand the application procedure ingeneral. There might be minor differences between programs. Please read theintroductions to each program for detailed guidance.

1.Consult the dispatching authorities for scholarship details and applicationinstructions. Send the required application documents to application receivingagencies.

2. ContactChinese universities for Admission Letter once recommended by dispatchingauthorities as a scholarship candidate and enclose it in your applicationpackage. Application without Admission Letter might be recruited by a differentuniversity other than their target universities.

3. Registerand finish the online application at theCSC Online Application System for International Students,submit online andprint a hard copy of a completedApplication Form for Chinese Government Scholarship. Make sure to type in the correctAgency Number (obtained from the application receiving agencies oncerecommended as a candidate) when loGGing in for online application.

4. Sendthe application documents (enclose the Admission Letter if available) to thespecific application receiving agency. Incomplete application documents willlead to rejection. Reviewed application with enclosed Admission Letter will besent to the host university for recruitment confirmation. Application withoutAdmission Letter will be sent to universities for placement based on CSC’s


5.Contact the application receiving agencies around the end of July for theresult sent by CSC.

IV. Can applicants apply for Chinese Government Scholarship without Admission Letters?


Applicants without Admission Letter are equally allowed to apply for ChineseGovernment Scholarship. However, CSC reserves the right to make necessaryadjustments on the university options, specialties, program categories andduration of study for the applications without Admission Letters. Applicationsenclosed with Admission Letter will be forwarded directly to the host universities

for recruitment confirmation.

V. Is the Letter of Acceptance or email from the supervisor admissible?

Onlythe official Admission Letters from the admissions department of Chineseuniversities are valid. Other files like acceptance letters or emails fromsupervisors or professors shall not be regarded as the equivalent orsubstitute.

VI. Where can I get the Agency Number?

AgencyNumber is the first required item when applying online at CSC OnlineApplication System for International Students ( EachAgency Number stands for a specific application receiving agency and will begiven to the recommended candidates only. A correct Agency Number will lead tothe presence of the corresponding application receiving agency. Wrong AgencyNumber will lead to application rejection.

The agency number of Hebei University of Economics and Business (HUEB) for Chinese Government Scholarship is 11832.

VII. How can I log in the CSC Online Application System for International Students?

1. Go, and click the icon “Application Online forInternational Students” to enter the system.

2.First-time users should register before entering the online application page.

3. Pleaseuse Internet Explorer (6.0 or 7.0). Menu selection functions may not work inother browsers.

VIII. What do I need to pay special attention to when applying online?

1. Pleaseselect the program, CHINESE GOVERNMENT SCHOLARSHIP.

2. TheitemApply forrefers to the program you want to apply rather than thedegree you have already held.

3.Majorsshould be one of the existing majors offered by Chinese universities and bebased on your actual educational background. A nonexistent or improper majorinput will affect your application result.

4.Preference of Institutionsmust be chosen from 252 Chinese universities designated byMOE. Any institution beyond the list will not be available for recruitment.

5.Duration of the Major Studyshould match the program you apply for. Please check APPLICATIONDETAILS of each program for the specific schooling period.

6. Submittedapplications can be retrieved for revision. Once retrieved, the previouslysubmitted application becomes invalid. Therefore, revised application should besubmitted one more time.

IX. How to write a Study Plan or Research Proposal?

A StudyPlan or Research Proposal states in details what you are going to do with thescholarship in China. It must include such information as the major you want tostudy in or the field of your research interest. It is of vital importance forthose applicants for graduate studies or senior scholar programs, so pleasemake sure your study plan or research proposal states those information as

specific as possible.

X. What supporting documents should be included in my application package?

Generally,applicants must fill in and provide the following documents truly, correctlyand completely (in duplicate).

1.Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship(in Chinese or English)

2.Notarized highest diploma (photocopy)

3.Academic transcripts

4.Astudy plan or research proposal

5.Recommendation letters

6. Applicantsfor music studies are requested to submit a CD of the applicants’ own works.

Applicants for fine arts programs must submit a CD of the applicants’ own works(including two sketches, two color paintings and two other works)

7. Applicantsunder the age of 18 should submit the valid documents of their legal guardiansin China.

8. Applicantsplanning to stay in China for more than 6 months must submit a photocopy ofForeigner Physical Examination Form( valid for 6 months).

9. Applicantswith Admission Letter from designated universities should enclose the letter inthe application package.

10. Applicantswith valid HSK Certificate should enclose it in the application package.

Theabove documents should be bound on top left corner (in duplicate) in order. Noapplication documents will be returned.

XI. Are scholarship recipients obliged to take Chinese-taught programs?

1.Chinese is the only instruction language for undergraduate programs.Scholarship recipients of undergraduate programs must take preparatory coursesin designated universities for one year and pass the required test before majorstudies. Failure to pass the required test leads to the automatic terminationof their scholarship.

2. Mostgraduate programs and non-degree programs are instructed in Chinese. CertainChinese universities offer English-taught programs. Please checkDirectory of the Chinese Institutions Admitting International Students under Chinese

Government Scholarship Program(

for program introduction. Scholarship recipients of Chinese-taught programswithout adequate Chinese language proficiency must take Chinese languagetraining courses for one to two years to reach the language requirements oftheir host universities before major studies. Failure to reach the requiredlanguage proficiency will lead to the termination of scholarship. Recipients insuch programs as science, engineering, agriculture, west medicine, economics,management, law and arts will take Chinese courses for one year. Recipients inliterature, history, philosophy and Chinese medicine will take Chinese coursesfor no more than two years. Recipients of English-taught programs or those withadequate Chinese language capability do not need to take Chinese language

training courses.

XII. Which Chinese universities offer Chinese Government Scholarship programs?

A totalof 252 Chinese universities are designated by MOE to accept Chinese GovernmentScholarship students. Applicants can only choose their host universities fromthis list. Please check theDirectory of the Chinese Institutions Admitting International Students under Chinese Government Scholarship Programon or for introduction to programs anduniversities available.

XIII. Can applicants directly apply to Chinese universities for Chinese Government Scholarship?

OnlyChinese universities undertaking Chinese University Program can accept thescholarship application directly.A List of Designated Chinese Universities Undertaking This Programcan be found at the end of APPLICATION DETAILS ofChinese Government Scholarship—Chinese University Program.

XIV. Can applicants apply for more than one program?


However, CSC reserves the right to awardonly onescholarship to eachindividual applicant nominated by more than one university.

XV. How can I know the admission result?

Theadmission result will be announced by the application receiving agencies inlate July. Applicants can consult the application receiving agencies foradmission result.

XVI. Why is the host university sometimes not the target university?

For theapplicants without Admission Letter, CSC reserves the right to make necessaryadjustments on the university options, specialties, program categories andduration of study based on the scholarship requirement of different countries,accepting capacity of universities, requirements of different programs and thequalification of applicants. That’s why some applicants are enrolled by auniversity beyond their application options.

XVII. How can I go to my host university that is not in Beijing?

CSCprovides transfer service to newfull scholarshipstudents who have tomake a stopover in Beijing to other cities during August 25th and September15th. Pickup service at Beijing Airport, free accommodation on campus andhard-seat train ticket (or hard-berth train ticket for overnight trip) fromBeijing to the city of the host institution will be provided to fullscholarship students.

Transfer Service Station for Chinese Government Scholarship Students



Add:No. 15 Xueyuan Lu, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R. China

PostCode: 100083

XVIII. Specialties and Education System of IES

1. Bachelor's Degree in Specialties Settings (Four years, taught in

Chinese or English media language)



Economics and Trade






Tax Affairs

*Human Resource




* Accounting

Library Science



Public Management



*Computer Science

and Technology

Editorial and

Publishing Subject




*Chinese Language

and Literature

Mathematics and

Applied Mathematics


Information Engineering

Information and

Computer Technology


Management and System


Note: The specialty with the mark“*” can be taught in


2. Master’s Degree in Specialties Settings (Three years, taught in Chineseor English media language)






Public Management

Civil and

Commercial Law

Economic Law

* International



Artistic Design



Public Finance

*Enterprise Management


Economics and Management

Note: The specialty with the mark“*” can be taught in English.

XIX. Contact Us

Address:No. 47 Xuefu Road, Xinhua District, Shijiazhuang, Hebei

Province, The People's Republic of China





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