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Leaders of Hebei Federation of Returned Overseas visited Professor Jian Cheng

2015-01-15 11:05:40 点击:[]

OnJanuary 9, in company of Professor Bin Ma, Head of HUEB OrganizationDepartment, Mr. Xiaoguang Wang, Director of Economic Department of HebeiFederation of Returned Overseas and his colleagues paid a visit to ProfessorJian Cheng, Dean of International Education School.

Mr.Wang thumbed up to Professor Cheng for his careful and meticulous attitudes andinvited him to join the HFRO Bank of Specialists after hearing Cheng’s reportof his work and study at HUEB since he had returned from overseas. Then their talkwas focused on the international education at HUEB, and Mr. Wang expressed hishope that HFRO can accommodate more excellent scholars and specialists devotedto the economic and social development and to the achievement of China Dream.

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