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IES Applied for 2013 English Excellent Course for Overseas Students Positively

2013-04-30 09:47:33 点击:[]

To implement National Education Reform and Development of Long-Term Planning Programs (2010-2020) and carry out Planning of Study inChina, the Ministry of Education determined to launch the selection of 2013 English Excellent Course for Overseas Students around the country.

Since IES received the notification from the Department of Education of Hebei Province, IES paid more attention, established the preparation team and deployed the related work. Meanwhile, all the teachers in the team were required to summarize the teaching condition of International Business Management such as course orientation, faculty, teaching content, methods, characteristics, etc.

Recently, the website is constructed completely. (Please click onhttp://web.heuet.edu.cn/jpk/).

In the future of course construction, IES will make more efforts to promote the English-course teaching level in the university.



(Written by: Zhang Jinzhe)

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