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"Internship Base for International Students" Unveiled in Guantao

2016-10-31 10:33:04 点击:[]

On October 26th, 2016, IES of HUEB organized international students to take part in the ceremony of launching “Youth International Exchange Center of Communist Youth League for Guantao County Committee” and “Internship Base for International Students Of Famous Universities”. The teachers and students from Guantao county committee, HUEB, AUH, HUE and other higher education institutions participated in the activity.

During the ceremony, Secretary of the Guantao Party committee Xie Jijiong revealed the nameplate. Afterwards the leaders of two parties had a further communication on the cooperation and signed the Strategic Cooperation Frame Agreement.

This is a study trip for international students of IES. Through the base establishment, students strengthen practice and broaden horizons to learn Chinese national condition.

nameplate unveiling

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