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Internship Base for International Students Of HUEB was Launched in Henan University

2016-10-27 09:22:36 点击:[]

On October 21st, 2016, IES of Hebei University of Economics and Business( HUEB) organized international students to visit Henan University.During the activity, the Strategic Cooperation Frame Agreement was signed. “Internship Base for International Students Of HUEB” was launched in Henan University as well.

22 students who come from twelve countries in Nepel, Korea, Pakistan ect. participated in the activity and got together with students from 30 countries throughout the world to join the arts festival. They renewed friendship with each other.

This is the first time to establish Internship Base for International Students in universuties. Simultaneously, the strategic cooperation with Shihezi University and other institutions of higher learning is expanding.

“Internship Base for International Students Of HUEB ” launched

signing ceremony

group photo

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