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IES held “China and CEEC Cooperation--- Riga and ShangHai Think Tank Meeting Academic Lecture”

2016-11-16 16:56:19 点击:[]

On afternoon of November 14, 2016, Professor Jian Cheng, Dean of International Education School, Deputy Dean of International Business Research Institute of CEEC Hebei University of Economics and Business and Professor LiuHaiYun made a lecture named “China and CEEC Cooperation--- Riga and ShangHai Think Tank Meeting Academic Lecture”.

Professor Cheng Jian delivered the main contents of two forums to students from two aspects, " Analyzing Cultural Exchanges between CEEC and China from the Perspective of Cultural Dimensions Theory by Geert Hofstede" and "think tank frame construction" ; after the lecture he answered the questions from Chinese and international students.

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