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International Education School and Safety Affairs Department Jointly Organized Fire Control and Evacuation Drill for International Students

2016-11-09 08:52:14 点击:[]

On the afternoon of November 7th, during the National Fire Prevention Day approaching, International Education School and Safety Affairs Department of HUEB jointly organized Fire Control and Evacuation Drill for international students. The IES staff, Dormitory Supervisor of international students apartment and all international students joined this drill.

The staff of Fire Protection Section and training instructor in Zheng An Fire Prevention explained the related skills carefully, including fire prevention, daily fire pre-caution, fire escape, ect.They also taught the interntional students how to use the extinguisher and fire hydrant. All members joined the drill orderly and eacaped from designated escape routes and lines. After that , they massed in appointed places,doing head count and report group leaders. All people keep in good order and have rapid response.

The related staff in Fire Protection Section also checked the security of international students dorms.

Explain the Fire Protection Knowledge

International Students Evacuation Drills

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