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International Students Visited Zhouwo Muisc Town at Wuqiang County

2016-12-01 08:04:19 点击:[]

On 23rd November, 27 international students from Zambia, Nepal, South Korea, Zambiwe, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and some other countries visited Zhouwo Music Town at Wuqiang county, Hengshui City.

They watched aound a Saxophone Club, a Guitar Experience House, a Violin Experience House, a Folk Music Hall and a Folk Arts House. Zhouwo Music Town is the second largest producer of musical instruments, just next to YAMAHA. International students attempted playing some instruments and making Chinese Lunar New Year pictures, by which they fully experienced the cultural atmosphere and got known of the beauty of Hebei villages.

This activity is intended to make international students experience the integration of Chinese traditonal culture and western culture, know some knowledge of art resources and cultural innovation. They were motivated to learn chinese language and culture.

Experiencing Musical Instruements

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