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International Students of HUEB won awards onThe 10th JIZHIGUANG Chinese Language Skills and Chinese Arts Competition

2016-12-01 14:11:03 点击:[]

The 10th JIZHIGUANG Chinese Language Skills and Chinese Arts Competetion by International Students in Hebei has been held on 26th and 27th of November. International students from 17 universities and high schools participated. Students of our university, Charles Riseph Passy from The Republic of Congo and Thomas Kuyunghu Magam from Nigeria, have won the first and second prize in the speech contest. Also, the two Chinese traditional opera shows performed by Katriena Cheryl Wong from The Republic of the Fiji Islands and Uuganber Soyombo-Erdene from Mongolia have been selected to join the final presentation show of the competetion. Our international students have also won the third team prize. This is the first time our university won the first and second prizes and the team prize in the JIZHIGUANG competetion.

In recent years, our university has made great achievements in international education. The teaching effect has apparently increased while the construction of excellent courses taught in English and the various study activities gave the international students more learning chances apart from the classroom. Meanwhile, the Chinese Bridge competetion, the Speech Contest by international students in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and the Talented Business Students Contest have profitablly improved the international students' vision and our university's reputation.(Edited by ZHANG Xiying; Photoes by LI Lantao)

Third Team Prize Won HUEB International Student Team

First Prize Won by Charles Riseph Passy

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