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HUEB international students won Ministry of Education 2016 Excellent International Student Scholarship

2016-12-09 09:10:50 点击:[]

Recently, HUEB postgraduate student Ali Waheed from Pakistan and undergraduate student Karim Rezwana from Bangladesh got Ministry of Education 2016 Excellent International Students Scholarship. Chen Liang, vice president of HUEB and Thomas Paul Jeris, executive president of Chicago Concordia University presented the award for them.

The scholarship is given by Ministry of Education to implement "SuGGestions on Doing Well the Education Work of Opening to the World in the New Period" and strengthen the spirits of "International Education Conference ", to cultivate more excellent international students to know China and to be friendly to China, to encourage international students study hard in China, and to further enhance the overall level of international students in China.

Ali Waheed is a postgraduate student majoring in International Trade taught in English; Karim Rezwana is an undergraduate learning international economics and trade taught in English. This honor is an award to the individual students and also a fully affirm to the international education level of HUEB.

Scholarship Given to the Excellent International Students

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