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Lecture on International Student Residence Permit Affairs

2016-12-16 15:05:28 点击:[]

On December 15th, International Education School invited Mr. CUI Qinghuai, Director of Wuqi Police Station, and Mr. GAO Chunmeng, the Officer of Foreign Affairs of Wuqi Police Station, to give the international students a lecture on residence permit affairs and have an interview with some international students.

Mr. GAO firstly welcomed the international students to come and study at Shijiazhuang. He explained the related regulations about residence permit processing, stressed the importance of abiding by the laws and regulations. Mr. CUI Qinghuai encouraged the international students to study courses and at the same time learn the immigration laws. In this way, they will suceed in academic work without breaking the laws and be the bridge and friendship carrier between China and the world.

This lecture helped international students to enhance law awareness and also play an important role for the interantional students to know the residence permit affairs.


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