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HUEB The Conference on Chinese Think-Tank Governance 2016 Attended

2016-12-29 08:47:23 点击:[]

On December 17th, hosted by the GuangMing Daily, Nanjing University, GuangMing Daily think tank research and publishing center, organized by Nanjing University Chinese Think Tank Research and Evaluation Center, the Conference on Chinese Think-Tank Governance 2016 held in Nanjing University. The dean of IES, executive deputy dean of IBRIC, professor ChengJian attended the conference. The conference released China's first think tank vertical search engine and data management platform - the first selected think-tank list of China Think Tank Index (CTTI)and performance evaluation report, our university is on the list.

CTTI includes four database subsets, organization database, expert database, institutional product database and institutional active database; it is currently the largest think tank vertical search engine and data management platform with complete intellectual property rights in China.

Nearly 700 think tank research experts and scholars from the central and provincial think tank management departments and the first source of think tanks of CTTI attended the conference. The conference further promoted the communication between our university IBRIC and think tanks at home and abroad, and strengthen the school think tank construction.


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