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Seminar of International Students Educational Quality and Mode Innovation in a New Period Attended

2016-12-27 11:28:09 点击:[]

On December 9th, the Seminar of International Students Educational Quality and Mode Innovation in a New Period organized were held by China Association of Higher Education in KunMing. The dean of IES, professor Cheng Jian attended the seminar.

Experts and scholars from Tongji University, Beijing University of Science and Technology, Shanghai University and other colleges and universities who are engaged in international education and management gave their speeches about construction of international teaching staff, Chinese teaching and spread of Chinese culture, teaching in English curriculum setting, etc. Nearly one hundred international teachers and administrators from all over of China attended the sub-forum discussions.

This seminar promoted the communication among international education mode in different schools, and widened the horizon of IES international education quality and mode innovation.


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