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IES Orgnized" Deliver Happiness of Shi Jiazhuang to the World" Warmly Activity

2017-01-12 10:29:26 点击:[]

January 9th ,International Education School jointed China Post Group Corporation Shi Jiazhaung branch held warmly activity named Deliver Happiness of Shi Jiazhuang to the World. Staff of IES,the representitives of Shi Jiazhaung branch and all international students joined the activity.

During the activity, postcards as the New Year presents for international students’ family have the special cultural pictures of Xibaipo, Liberation Monument, Cangyan mountain ect. on the front . Best wishes written by international students to their friends and families on the back of postcards will be sent to their motherland to introduce China and Shijiazhuang, provincial capital of Hebei.

The postcards will be sent to more than 40 countries and areas for free. It provides the opportunity for international students to make communication with families and also express the happiness of Shijiazhuang and New Year wishes from China.

Best Wishes on Postcards

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