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International Students of IES Participated the Entertainment Basketball Week A

2017-04-27 14:36:07 点击:[]

On April 24, international students from International Education School participated in the Entertainment Basketball Week Activity.Men’s team of IES VS men’s team of Accounting Institute , women’s team of IES VS women’s team of School of Business Administration .This is the first time that two teams of IES joined the School Basketball Match at the same time.

A loud roar erupted through the playground.Cheering and shouting can be heard without end.The competition process is very intense.International students took the ball into the paint and shot with the screen and roll of teammates.They made strategies, adjusted the mentality actively and encouraged each other. The students from home and abroad expressed the friendship and rubbed shoulders with each other.They sprinkle the youth on the competition field. All these fully displayed the graceful style of international students in IES. http://news.heuet.edu.cn/education/?type=detail&id=2229

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