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IES Attended 2016 International Students Debate Competition

2016-04-29 16:37:21 点击:[]

On April 27, IES international students attended Hebei Division of 2016 International Students Debate Competition of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province, which was hosted by Education Department of Hebei Province and organized by Hebei University and aimed to promote Chinese traditional culture spreading and show achievements of Hebei international students education.

Charles ( Congo), Elsa (Italy), Edward (Italy), Bolu (Nigeria) and Lee Yunil (Korea) comprised a HUEB team to debated with the team of Hebei Normal University on the topic of “In the wechat times, people’s emotional communication is increased or decreased”. During the debate their excellent performance won audience applauses, represented their Chinese language capability and speculative thinking ability. Charles won Best Debater and IES was awarded Outstanding Organization.

A picture of debate

Group picture

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