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IES Held International Education Projects Summarization Meeting and Lecture of TPO &Exhibitions

2016-05-17 13:49:02 点击:[]

On May 9, IES held summarization meeting of international education projects and lecture titled with “TPO and Exhibitions”. Deputy Dean Prof. Zhang Xiying, Deputy Dean He Yi, teachers and international students participated in the meeting.

The international students who were involved in “Beauty of China-Silk Road Projects” to Shenzhen and Xi’an where they experienced the two cities history, culture and development. The projects enrich the curriculum education, and international students actively participate in activities organized by our school which provide them more opportunities to learn and know China. Afterwards, Vice Director Cui Xiangyong of International Exposition Department of Hebei Province Council of International Commerce gave a English lecture titled with “TPO and Exhibitions” through which international students learned more about trade promotion organization and international exhibitions. International students enjoyed good atmosphere in discussion with the lecturer.

Edited: Zhang Jinzhe Photography: Li Lantao

A picture of meeting

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