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Grade 2013 of International Master Students Thesis Defense

2016-05-23 09:27:38 点击:[]

On May 18, the first Chinese Government Scholarship international master students majored in international trade taught in English carried out thesis defense in which Prof. Wang Jianrui of Hebei Geo University, Prof. Cheng Jian and Prof. Zhang Xiying of IES, Prof. Jiao Zhiyue of Business School and Prof. Yang Guoli of Accounting School comprised the defense committee. Grade 2013 master students Syndie (Madagascar), Benjanmin (Ghana) and Joel (Cote d’Ivoire) participated in the thesis defense.

During the process, all the international students utilized PPT in English to introduce their theses research survey, approaches, innovations and conclusions. The committee appraised their theses very highly, appreciated their research achievements in the specific field and advised some revisions.

This thesis defense meeting symbolizes that our university has firstly accomplished the cultivation of Chinese Government Scholarship international master students majored in international trade taught in English, which occupies leading level in international students cultivation of Hebei Province.

(Edited: Zhang Jinzhe Photography: Zhang Jinzhe)

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