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HUEB held Second-Batch Chinese Language Teachers’ Qualification Certification Meeting

2016-05-31 13:39:43 点击:[]

On May 27 , the second-batch Chinese Language Teachers’ Qualification Certification Meeting organized by International Education School was held in HUEB. Six teachers teaching Chinese as a foreign language from College of Humanities, Department of Foreign Language Teaching and College Foreign Languages participated in this meeting.

This certification was divided into three parts. Firstly teachers taught Chinese as a foreign language for 10 minutes. Then judges asked some questions. At last,the judges marked for the teachers according to teachers’ overall performance through questionnaire of interview. The result will be announced in the near future.

This meeting is an important measure for HUEB to further act in the spirit of the 2015 national foreign students work conference, and can regulate Chinese language teaching standards, vigorously promote the level of Chinese teaching as a foreign language and also improve the international education level of HUEB.

(Edited/ Photography: Zhang Jinzhe )

A picture of the meeting

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