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International Business Research Institute of CEEC Hebei University of Economics and Business Established

2016-06-19 19:54:20 点击:[]

The Third Local Leaders’ Meeting of China-CEEC was held at Tangshan on 17thJune. Premier Li Keqiang sent congratulatory letter to the meeting, and Vice-premier Ma Kai attended and delivered a speech to the meeting. Professor Ji LianGGang, President of Hebei University of Economics and Business(HUEB) and Vice-president professor Chen Liang were invited to take part.

Witnessed by Zhang Qingwei, Provincial Governor of Hebei, Xu Ning, Vice Governer, Liu Jiaomin, Director of Education Department of Hebei and other representatives from CEEC, the nameplate of International Business Research Institute of CEEC Hebei University of Economics and Business was unveiled. On behalf of HUEB, professor Ji Lianggang signed agreements with delegates from Vistula University, Poland, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and John Naisbitt University, Serbia to co-establish the International Business Research Center of CEEC Hebei University of Economics and Business.

On the meeting, Professor Ji Lianggang and Professor Chen Liang hunted for cooperation opportunities. They visited the Chinese and foreign company representatives exposing their products in the China-CEEC Province Industry Cooperation Exhibition, and discussed with them about China and CEEC marketing and contract training between HUEB and companies. They also chaired talks with college representatives from Poland, Romania, Serbia and Czech Republic and had friendly negotiations on issues of teacher and student exchange, academic communication and cooperative training programs.

The establishment of International Business Research Center of CEEC Hebei University of Economics and Business is one of the two groundbreaking missions put forward by HUEB committee this year. Depending on the resources of friend colleges and universities and boarding on the national “The Belt and Road” initiative, the institute is aimed to build a training base and intellectual bank for CEEC economic development and provide intellectual service to the economic development of not only Hebei province, but China and CEEC as well.

Signing Agreements with Poland and Romania University Delegates (HUEB President sits in the fifth from left)

Nameplate of International Business Research Institute of CEEC Hebei University of Economics and Business Unveiled

Photo with Representatives from Czech Repulic

Photo with Partner Colleges’ Delegates

(Edited by Lantao Li)

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