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2016 Confucius Institute Scholarship Applicants Interviewed On-line

2016-06-21 09:41:00 点击:[]

In the afternoon of June 20, according to application requirements of Confucius Institute Headquarters, International Education School of HUEB organized an on-line interview to 2016 Confucius Institute scholarship applicants.

The interview started at 2:15pm. Twenty-five scholarship applicants from Kathmandu University took part in the interview. Dean, Prof. Cheng Jian chaired the interview. Deputy Dean He Yi, Zhang Xiying, professional teacher An Lanpeng and Li Yanling attended the interview.

The interview consists of three parts: Brief self introduction, Chinese elementary knowledge and the common knowledge of Chinese culture. Applicants drew lots to decide the test number. Teachers asked questions, and students had 5 minutes to answer questions. The results will be taken as the foundation for pre-admission.

It is the first time that IES does the interview for Confucius Institute scholarship applicants,. The interview is a direct and effective way to select the excellent students and reach the desired effect.

(Edited by Lantao LI)

Interviewing the Applicants

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