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HUEB Organised a Study Tour to Pingyao for International Students

2016-10-20 15:29:08 点击:[]

From October 14, 2016 to October 16, 2016 IES organized international students to visit Pingyao in Shanxi. 3 teachers and 21 students who come from Nepal, Madagascar, South Korea, etc. participated in the activity.

During the activity international students step into the "Ming and Qing dynasties Street" what used to be known as "China Wall Street".They visited Pingyao's biGGest bank, the first private bank in Chinese history --- Ri Sheng Chang to experience the thriving and prosperous commercial and financial industry in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Mounted ancient tower, international students gasped with admiration at the unique Chinese ancient buildings style; visiting of "Qiao Grand Courtyard" made the students understand the typical architectural style of northern China in Qing Dynasty. During the visit, the teachers explained unique role of “Ri Sheng Chang”in China financial history, which closely combined visiting and classroom teaching. Students were enthusiastic and inquisitive, they recorded what they saw and what they learned with their pen.

This is the second teaching activity of IES this semester. This activity makes students understand the financial system in Ming and Qing Dynasties; firsthand experience and combination of teaching with practice fully consolidate the knowledge they learned in class, and make them understand the culture of the ancient China city, at the same time stimulate their enthusiasm for learning Chinese and understand the Chinese culture.

Teacher Explain to International Students

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