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Lecture on China's Entry and Exit Law

2016-09-30 16:29:23 点击:[]

On September 26th, International Education School invited Mr. GAO Chunmeng, the Officer of Foreign Affairs of Wuqi Police Station, to give the international students a lecture on the Entry and Exit Law of China. The lecture was chaired by Mr. ZHANG Wei, Director of IES office. IES staff and all self-sponsored international students attended.

Mr. GAO firstly welcomed the international students to come and study at Shijiazhuang and wished them a good time at Shijiazhuang. He explained all contents of the Entry and Exit Law of China related to foreign students in China. By quoting the previous cases, he reminded all international students to abide by the law and to finish the study program without doing anything against it.

The lecture has well taught the international students of the Entry and Exit Law of China.

photo of lecture

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