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HUEB Organised International Students Participated in the

2016-10-21 14:57:49 点击:[]

On October 19, 2016, HUEB organized international students to go to Quyang county Baoding province participated in the "Precise Poverty Alleviation, Education First" activity. 24 students and 4 teachers participated in the poverty alleviation activity.

HUEB donated 300 sets of articles for daily use to Quyang County in this activity. During the activity, international students went into the local primary school --- Zhong Wang Hua primary school, and interact with the pupils through English teaching and dialogue; international students patiently taught the curious and active pupils, which made the activity very impressive, and at the same time broaden pupils horizon and stimulated their interest in learning English.

This activity makes international students further understand the situation of primary school education of poor village in China. Through personal experience, they know about the situation of the rural life in poor areas of China, which makes them more cherish the chance to study in school, strengthen their determination of study, and enrich international students’ after-school life.

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