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Our school attended Foreign Students Work Conference of Hebei province

2015-04-02 09:03:46 点击:[]

On March 27, 2015, Foreign Students Work SeminarMeeting of Hebei province was held in Hebei university. Ms.Tian Lulu, the Directorof International Department of Education Ministry in China, Ms.Chen Lin, the Directorof Foreign Students Affairs of China’s Scholarship Council(CSC), Mr. Hou Jianguo,the Director of International Office in Hebeiprovince Department of Education, Mr. Han Wen, the Deputy Director of International Office in Hebei province Departmentof Education and executive director of the council universities and collegesattended the meeting. Mr. Cheng Jian, the dean of International Education Schoolof HUEB, as vice-President of research association was invited to attend themeeting. He introduced points of the foreign students education work of Hebeiprovince in 2015.

The meeting adjusted members of theseminar, and recommended six universities as member units of the association inChina, and our school is one of them. Ms. Tian Lulu introduced the studentswork in 2014, pointed out four roles played by the foreign students studying inChina and putted forward four requirements to the foreign students work in 2015.Ms.Chen Lin focused on the work plan of CSC in 2015 and interpreted thegovernment scholarship students enrollment policies. Mr. Hou Jianguo and Mr. HanWen also respectively introduced the development of the foreign students workin Hebei province and its work target in the future, and read outThe Declaration

of Coordinated Development of Foreign Students Education in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region of China. Mr. Yang Xuexin, the new director ofthe council, vice-chancellor of Hebei University, delivered a speech at theconference .

On the meeting, representatives alsolaunched a heated discussion about increasing the foreign student's educationquality, expanding the scale of enrollment and the coordinated development offoreign students education in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Mr. Cheng Jianproposed on a idea that NAFTA mode can give the enlightenment to studying inthe coordinated development of foreign students education inBeijing-Tianjin-Hebei region at Tianjin conference, and the idea got positiveresponse from the representatives.

(撰稿人:张希颖 摄影:张伟)

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