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IES Students visited Xibaipo to Explore Chinese Culture

2015-04-03 14:33:59 点击:[]

On April 1, International Education School organized acultural trip to Xibaipo----a well-known site of Chinese Red Culture. More than30 international students, Dean of IES, Prof. Cheng Jian, Deputy Dean Mr. Fan Guoping,Deputy Dean Ms. Zhang Xiying and IES coordinators participated in this trip tolearn of China’s recent revolution and red culture.

With the company of a professional guide, IESinternational students were highly excited with the stories of history,valuable pictures and those fathers of New China. They were making notes whileasking some questions, showing great interests in Chinese culture and revolutionhistory.

This visit to Xibaipo is one ofthe activities “Experience of Chinese Culture” which are intended to leadinternational students to get known of Chinese culture and help their study.

Xibaipo Monument

Residence of New China fathers

(Edited by LILantao; Photos by LI Lantao)

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