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IES attended Hengshui High School Third International Arts Festival of Culture and Education

2015-04-29 09:51:23 点击:[]

On April 22nd , Hengshui High School Third International Arts Festival of Culture and Education was inaugurated. Many teachers and students coming from Britain, France, the United States, South Korea, Australia and other countries were invited to participate in this festival . International Education School(IES) attended to this festival as the representative of Hebei University of Economics and Business.

At the opening ceremony, foreign students of IES performed a short sketch "Xi Le Jie", which was the only language program in the opening ceremony. Their performance won the applause and praise of the present Chinese and foreign teachers and students.In cultural experience program, our students enjoyed Beijing Opera, learned paper-cut and calligraphy, experienced traditional food and the Han culture, took a local culture tour. And then they took part in rich and colorful interactive activities with teachers and students of Hengshui High School, such as "Campus Treasure Hunt" funny games, street dance contest, experiencing class, etc.

Through this activity, our international students show more interests in Chinese traditional culture and understand deeply Chinese culture.

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