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HUEB held the First All Foreign Language Teachers’ Qualification Certification Meeting

2015-05-05 18:05:06 点击:[]

On May 4th, the First All Foreign Language Teachers’ Qualification Certification Meeting organized by International Education School was held in HUEB. 15 teachers teaching students in foreign language from Business School , Accounting School , Law School , Financial School, Mathematics and Statistics School and Information Technology School participated in this meeting.

On the meeting, teachers who applied this certification, showed a high level of English standard and proficient teaching skills. The judges marked for the teachers according to teachers’ overall performance through questionnaire of interview.The result will be announced in the near future.

This meeting is an important measure for HUEB to further act in the spirit of the 2015 national foreign students work conference, and to vigorously promote the level of teaching in foreign language. This meeting also improves the international education level of HUEB.

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