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IES International Students Visited Junlebao

2015-06-10 11:09:43 点击:[]

On the morning of June 9, the Chinese Government Scholarship students and Confucius Institute Scholarship students of IES visited Junlebao Dairy Co.,Ltd.

The international students experienced the Junlebao dairy culture from enterprise culture and technology, visited the yogurt museum and dairy workshop and observed each details of dairy processing from sterilization, fermentation to package. They were very interested in the conductor’s introduction and raised questions about dairy processing as well as Junlebao Culture. In the afternoon, Dean Chengjian of IES, Deputy Dean Zhang Xiying and Vice Director Li Gang of International Exchange Center with international students had a

discussion focusing on Junlebao Internationalization combing theories and experience in School Library.

This activity is one of IES Education Activities this semester which commences our school education activities. It promoted the international students to comprehend the brand enterprise culture and development in Hebei Province and expand their views to China.

Group Picture

Listening to the Conductor’s Introduction

Visit to the Workshop

A Picture of Discussion

(Translated: Zhang Jinzhe)

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