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International Business Negotiation Held by IES and Business School

2015-06-17 17:55:31 点击:[]

On June 12, in the library the finals of International Business Negotiation of Chinese and International Students held, was co-held by Business School and International Education School. Prof. Cheng Jianand Prof. Zhang Xiying of IES, Deputy Secretary Dong Aimin and Prof. Jiao Zhiyue of Business School were the judges in the negotiation.

Through one-month selection, two teams by IES international students and students of Business School were qualified for the finals which was divided into the units of back-to-back speeches, pre-negotiation, further negotiation, post-consultation and extra-time competition. With the negotiation of “Export and Import of Ceramic Tableware between China and Switzerland” as the background, the two teams simulated the procedures of international business negotiation which presented the students’ English language skills and professional knowledge. Thereafter, the judges commented on the students’ performance in the aspects of negotiation skills, professional knowledge and negotiation etiquette. Finally, Ali Waheed of IESand Dang Yingying of Business School acquired the prize of best negotiation.

A Picture of Negotiation

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