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The Meeting of Education Projects Presentation and Completion Held by IES

2015-06-30 17:20:40 点击:[]

On the afternoon of June 29, the meeting of education projects presentation and completion in this semester was held in MBA classroom of Business Management School. Dean Cheng Jian, Deputy Dean Zhang Xiying, project leaders Li Gang, Liu Xinyuan, Wang Liyan, all the international students as well as some Chinese students attended the meeting.

Firstly, Cheng Jian congratulated on the completion of IES education projects. Through these projects the international students understood China’s economy, society and culture more deeply, and improved the communication with Chinese students. He hoped that more teachers and students would participated in the projects in order to promote IES education equality.

Each project leader respectively introduced the background, meaning and process of every project with essays, Chinese writing, videos, microfilms and micro-documentaries, etc.

This meeting represents that education projects in this semester brings to a successful close. By means of Junlebao visit, cultural exploration of Confucius home, microfilms shooting, it enrich the teaching in Chinese culture and cross-cultural communication academically. These projects improve the international students’ understanding Chinese traditional culture and modern society, aspire their interests in Chinese culture, and cultivate their team spirit simultaneously.

A Picture of the Meeting

(Translated: Zhang Jinzhe)

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