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2015 Opening Ceremony for International Students

2015-09-21 11:04:31 点击:[]

On Sept. 17, 2015 Opening Ceremony for International Students was held. HUEB President Ji Liangang, Vice President Shen Fuping and Vice President Chai Zhenguo attended the ceremony, which was hosted by Vice President Chen Liang. All the 2105 international students participated in the ceremony.

Ji LianGGang firstly warmly welcomed all the 2015 international students on behalf of all the leader of HUEB and all the staff. After the introduction to HUEB, he appreciated IES achievement since its establishment in 2012. IES had realized great development through improving the regulation, promoting teaching quality, enlarging students quantity and optimizing students structure. He hoped that the international students could have great aspiration, cherish learning time and comprehend Chinese culture so that they could be the messengers who understood China and worked as the bridge of friendship between foreign countries and China.

The representative supervisor Prof. Yang Guoli, the master student Rotaru from Moldova and the freshman Damir from Russia delivered the speeches.

The leaders of Propaganda Department, Office of Teaching Affairs, Office of Discipline Construction and Degree Management, International Exchange Center, leaders of related schools, international students’ teachers and all the staff of IES participated in the ceremony.

A Photo of the Ceremony

(Translated: Zhang Jinzhe Photography: Li Lantao)

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