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IES held the summary meeting of “One Belt and One Road” Investigation and 2015 Cup of International Business Negotiation of Beijing University of International Business and Economics

2015-10-28 16:07:23 点击:[]

On October 26, IES held the summary meeting of “One Belt and One Road” Investigation and 2015 Cup of International Business Negotiation of Beijing University of International Business and Economics which all the international students attended.

Firstly Deputy Dean Zhang Xiying briefly introduced the project of “One Belt and One Road” Investigation and 2015 Cup of International Business Negotiation, and the international students shared their experience and gains. Deputy Dean Fan Guoping read prize list of 2015 Cup of International Business Negotiation, and Dean Cheng Jian awarded the certificate and affirmed the affect of these two projects and congratulated to the international students who participated in the projects. Meanwhile he shared some requirements with all international students and hoped that IES would organize more activities to enrich the class learning to provide more opportunities for international students to learn more about China. Also he encouraged the students to utilize the study time efficiently in the university.

The meeting is a periodical conclusion of educational activities in the semester. IES will organize more projects for international students.

Dean of IES Prof. Cheng Jian Awarded the Certificate

A Photo of the Meeting

(Translated:Zhang Jinzhe Photography: Li Lantao)

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