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Project of “One Belt and One Road” Investigation by IES

2015-10-28 14:43:05 点击:[]

During October 13-20, IES organized the international students to Xinjiang to carry out the project of “One Belt and One Road” Investigation in which seven master students and bachelor students from Russia, Mongolia ect. participated.

The international students visited the museum and exhibition of Xinjiang University and communicated with students from Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan ect. They went to No. 40 Higher School in Urumuqi to discuss with the students, to Xinjiang Museum to deepen their learning about Xijiang history and Silk Road, to Karez to experience Xinjiang people’s diligence, to national costume factory and wind power station to learn more about the traditional culture and modern development.

The project commences the educational activity of this semester which enriches the class learning efficiently.

Visiting Xinjiang University

Visiting No.40 Higher School

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