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Visti to HUEB Museum and China Receipt Museum

2016-03-14 09:55:53 点击:[]

On March 11, 2016, new international students from Italy, South Korea, Nigeria and Zambia visited HUEB Museum and China Receipt Museum.

They first walked around HUEB Museum which is located at the west wing of the first floor of HUEB Library. With 600 pictures, diagrams and trophies, it shows the 60-year history and achievements of HUEB. From there, they went to the east wing of the Library where China Receipt Museum is located. The museum exhibits many historical documents during the receipt development of China since Qing dynasty. Those documents such as payment receipts, tax receipts, ownership certificates, accounting books and office stamps visually present the development of Chinese economic activities.

The visits helped them know more about the history of HUEB and the development of Chinese receipts and improve their life and learning experiences at HUEB and China.

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