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IES international students Visited Guangzhou and Shenzhen

2016-03-31 17:16:25 点击:[]

During March 26-30,IES organized international students to Guangzhou and Shenzhen to carry out the project of “One Belt and One Road” in which nine master students from Pakistan, Nepal, Yemen and Cote d'Ivoire.

International students visited some enterprises such as Chuangwei, TCL and Lenovo to experience modern enterprise operation philosophy, Shenzhen Stock Exchange to comprehend its development, Shenzhen University to communicated with teachers on international students management, Shenzhen Museum and Guangdong Museum to get a chance to deepen their knowledge of its history and development. Afterwards international students expressed that the project deepened their understanding of China after its reform and opening and expired their interests in Chinese economy through their visit.

According to the spirit of related document of Education Ministry and CSCC, the project positively responds the call of “One Belt and One Road” strategy and enriches the curriculum.

Visit the Shenzhen Science and Technology Park Enterprises

Visit the Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Visit Shenzhen University

Visit Shenzhen Museum

Visit Guangzhou Museum

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