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The Overseas Students Take Part in the Opening Ceremony of University Sports Meeting

2014-04-25 10:52:58 点击:[]

The inauguration ceremony of the 19th sports meeting of Hebei University of Economics and Business (HUEB) is held on the 24thApril, and all the international students of the International Education School (IES) attended the ceremony.

International students took part in the ceremony in a form of the phalanx of national flags. The phalanx consists of 36 flags of different nations represented more than thousand of overseas students from 36 countries, who had been studying in HUEB since 1990 when it started to admit international student. The phalanx of national flags impressed everyone and became an unique scenery in the ceremony of the sports meeting.

International Educational School


(Written by: Yang Shaoqing Photo by: Li Shuyuan)

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