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The Second International Education Teaching Meeting of 2013-2014 Semester Held

2014-05-04 16:33:59 点击:[]

On April 30, International Education Teaching Meeting of 2013-2014 semester was held by IES. All the faculty and teaching staff attended the meeting which was hosted by Vice Office Director Zhang Wei.

In the meeting, Zhang Jinzhe, who is in charge of the teaching affairs of IES, introduced the achievement and deficiency in teaching of last semester. Afterwards, Fan Guoping, the Deputy Dean, summarized the problems of last semester and disposed the teaching task in the new semester. In addition, all the teachers offered advices for the promotion of teaching quality.

Finally, Cheng Jian, Dean of IES introduced the students’ enrollment and teaching reformation in details and emphasized the problems of teaching. He asked all the faculty to improve teaching quality, standardize teaching procedure, promote teaching level and pay attention to the integrated development of learning, teaching and research.

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