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Mentor group meeting of international trade major taught in English

2014-10-20 18:05:01 点击:[]

On October 17th, international education school held the mentor group meeting of international trade major which is taught English. The meeting aims to complete to assign the mentor to the foreign students of international trade which are taught in.

All the English instructor, master students and undergraduate students and related personnel of international education school attended the meeting, and the meeting was hosted by Zhang Jinzhe.

On the meeting,Miss Zhang introduced the participating leaders and teachers, and introduced the purpose of this meeting.Then, the mentor group leader of the international trade major which is taught English , vice President of business school, professor Jiao Zhiyue introduced the personal situation, the research direction and research situation of every teacher in detail. Students also introduced the Basic situation of themselves.Finally, according to the mentor’s scientific research situation and the specific situation of the students, the mentor group decided the name list of every mentor, and professor Jiao announced the list.

International education school dean professor Cheng Jian summarized this meeting.He hopes the teacher can tutor students responsibly,and students can continue to strengthen professional knowledge learning under the guidance of the teacher, and complete their education smoothly and happily.

(Edited by Du Xiaowei; photo by Lantao LI)

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