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IES 2014-2015 First Semester Last Meeting for International Students

2015-01-19 16:00:02 点击:[]

The last IES School Meeting for2014-2015 academic year was held at B416 Classroom on Jan. 16, 2015, withattendance of all international students, Mr. Guoping Fan, Deputy Dean ofInternational Education School, Professor Xiying Zhang, Deputy Dean ofInternational Education School, and Ms. Mengshan Su and Mr. Lantao Li,International Student Coordinators.

Mr. Fan delivered his speechmainly focusing on international student affairs in this semester, while Ms.Zhang emphasized on teaching and study matters. Li and Su introduced the wintervocation and noticed them of security regulations at International StudentApartment and VISA.

After the meeting, Mr. Fan ledMr. Li and Ms. Su to the International Student Apartment and searched all room forsafe use of all electric devices.


Safty Inspection

(Edited by

Lantao LI; Photoes by Lantao Li)

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