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Dean of International Education School attended 2014 Conference of China Association for International Education and has been awarded “International Education Model”

2015-01-09 14:33:08 点击:[]

2014 Conference of China Association forInternational Education has been hosted in Shenyang, Liaoning Province fromJuly 22 to 24. More than 600 representatives from Ministry of Education, ChinaScholarship Council, China Higher Education Council, Provincial Educational Departments,29 provinces and 300 universitieshave attended the meeting. Professor Cheng Jian,Dean of

International Education School,presented there.

During the conference,China Association forInternational Education has recognized those collectives and individuals who made great contributions and have advancedresearches in international education in China. According to the conference,Professor Cheng Jian and otherfour representatives from Hebei Province have been awarded “International Education Model”.

(Edited by Fan Guoping)

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