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Notice of National Day Holiday

2016-09-28 08:07:48 点击:[]

According to the arrangement of school calendar, now the related matters of National Day Holiday will be informed as followings:

1. The holiday lasts from October 1 (Saturday) to October 9 (Sunday), totally 9 days. From October 10 (Monday), all staff are supposed to go on duty to office, international students begin classes as well.

2. Each department shall do security work during the holiday exactly, have a throughout checking to the key aspects aiming to eliminate security vulnerabilities, do duty work seriously among holiday. If major accident or emergency occurs, the related departments shall deal with it correctly according to the contingency plan and report to school leaders and general duty office (Tel:87655917) in time. Office of Logistics Management is supposed to arrange the dining and cleaning work among holiday.

3. A shuttle bus north campus drives toward International Hotel.It departs at 8 am and 16:30pm among holiday, other school regions’ bus departing is stopped. All buses begin their normal operation after October 10.


September 27, 2016

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