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Notice of New Year holiday

2017-01-03 16:47:24 点击:[]

According to the school calendar, now inform you the New Year holiday notice:

1, The holiday is from December 31st, 2016 to January 2nd, 2017.

2, All units must do keep security during the holidays, check the key parts comprehensively before the holiday and eliminate security risks; to do on duty during the holidays; accidents or emergency should be dealt with and reported to school leadership and school duty room(phone number:87655917) immediately. Logistics Management Office should arrange the catering, heating, environmental cleaning and other services during the holiday; the relevant departments should raise the nation flag as usual during the holiday.

3, During the holiday, a shuttle bus is from the North Campus to the International Building , the departure time is 8:00 and 16:30, other campus buses are stopped. From Jan.3, the school bus schedule will be normally.

University Office

27thDecember, 2016

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